What is auto-buddering?

auto buddering

Auto-buddering is a phenomenon observed in certain cannabis concentrates like shatter and pull ‘n’ snap. It describes the transformation from a translucent to an opaque, waxy, or sugary texture. This change usually results from exposure to heat, humidity, agitation, or impurities during the extraction process. Interestingly, auto-buddered concentrates remain safe for consumption, retaining their potency and cannabinoid content despite the change in consistency​​​​​​.

The Science Behind the Transformation

Auto-buddering is not just a physical transformation; it’s a complex chemical process. Key factors that contribute to this include:

  • Heat & Humidity: Exposure to high temperatures and moisture can promote auto-buddering. Heat causes cannabinoid crystals to fracture and change consistency, while humidity can alter the molecular structure of the concentrate, leading to auto-buddering​​.
  • Terpene Content: Concentrates with higher levels of terpenes are more prone to auto-buddering. Terpenes, responsible for cannabis’s aroma and flavor, increase the concentrate’s volatility, making it more likely to undergo this phase transition​​.
  • Impurities During Extraction: The presence of impurities, such as residual solvents or unwanted plant materials, can disrupt the crystalline formation of the concentrate, leading to auto-buddering​​.

Storing Concentrates Properly

To mitigate auto-buddering, proper storage is crucial. Concentrates should be kept in a cool, dry, and dark environment, like a refrigerator. However, even under optimal conditions, factors like high terpene content and extraction impurities may still trigger auto-buddering, indicating the complex nature of this phenomenon​​.

Agitation’s Role in Auto-Buddering

Agitation during extraction plays a pivotal role in initiating auto-buddering. Physical disturbances can disrupt the molecular structure of the concentrate, causing the cannabinoid crystals to fracture and change consistency. This change, while safe for consumption, may not be ideal for users seeking a specific texture in their products​​.

The Impact of Auto-Buddering on Concentrates

When a concentrate undergoes auto-buddering, it becomes softer and easier to handle. This doesn’t necessarily mean a loss in potency, but rather a change in the physical state that some users might find more appealing.

Some users prefer buddered concentrates for their creamy texture and believe that they offer a smoother experience. However, others might see auto-buddering as a sign of degradation or poor storage.

Auto-Buddering vs. Other Concentrate Forms

FeatureAuto-Buddered ConcentratesOther Concentrate Forms (e.g., Shatter, Wax)
TextureCreamy, butter-likeBrittle (shatter), sticky (wax)
HandlingEasier to scoop and handleMay require a tool for precise handling
PotencyPotency remains, but texture changesPotency consistent with initial form
Storage SensitivityMore sensitive to environmental changesVaries, some forms more stable than others


Auto-buddering is a fascinating aspect of cannabis concentrates, showcasing how environmental factors can alter their form and user experience. Understanding this process helps consumers appreciate the dynamic nature of these products and make informed choices about their preferences and storage practices.