What is autoflower cannabis?

What is autoflower cannabis?

Autoflower cannabis represents a fascinating evolution in cannabis cultivation. Unlike traditional cannabis plants, autoflowers transition to the flowering phase after a set period, independent of light changes. This unique trait is derived from the Cannabis ruderalis species, known for its hardiness and auto-flowering characteristics​​.

The Genesis of Autoflower Cannabis

The journey of autoflower cannabis began with the hybridization of Cannabis ruderalis, a hardy, fast-growing plant native to Russia, with other potent strains. Initially, autoflower variants were sidelined due to their low THC content. However, advancements in breeding techniques have significantly enhanced their potency, making them competitive with traditional strains​​.

Growth Characteristics and Cultivation

Autoflowering cannabis plants are admired for their quick seed-to-harvest timeline, requiring minimal maintenance and offering ease of growth, even for amateur gardeners. They are particularly suited for environments where controlling light schedules is challenging. With their ruderalis genetics, autoflowers are resilient and can withstand harsh conditions, making them an excellent choice for growers of all skill levels​​​​.

The Pros and Cons of Autoflower Cannabis


  • Variety and Speed: Autoflowering strains can go from seed to harvest in as little as 7 weeks, allowing for multiple harvests in a season. This is especially beneficial for those who enjoy experimenting with different strains​​.
  • Uncomplicated Setup: Autoflowers eliminate the need for separate vegetative and flowering spaces, simplifying the cultivation process​​.
  • Durability: Their hardy nature reduces the impact of environmental fluctuations, such as power outages, on the growth cycle​​.
  • Stealth Growing: Many autoflower strains are compact, making them ideal for discreet cultivation​​.


  • Smaller Yields: Autoflowers typically produce lower yields compared to photoperiod plants​​.
  • Lower Potency: Although breeding advancements have increased potency, autoflowers generally have lower THC content than traditional strains​​​​.
  • Challenges in Cloning: Autoflowers are not well-suited for cloning, as clones follow the same genetic timeline as the parent, often resulting in underdeveloped plants​​.

Nutrient Requirements and Plant Training

Autoflowers require a balanced approach to fertilization, with a preference for light feeding and specific nutrients. Overfertilization can adversely affect their growth. Additionally, training autoflowers involves low-stress techniques, avoiding practices like topping or pruning that are common with photoperiod plants​​.

Comparing Autoflower and Photoperiod Cannabis Strains

FeatureAutoflower CannabisPhotoperiod Cannabis
Light RequirementNo change in light cycle neededRequires specific light cycles
Time to HarvestShorter (8-10 weeks)Longer (3-4 months)
SizeGenerally smallerCan grow larger
YieldOften lower per plantHigher potential yield per plant
Growing DifficultyEasier, more beginner-friendlyMore complex, requires experience

The Ideal Scenarios for Autoflower Cannabis

Given their uncomplicated growing requirements and smaller size, autoflower strains are ideal for beginners and those with limited space, such as small outdoor areas or indoor grow tents.

Autoflower plants are also robust and can tolerate less than ideal growing conditions, making them suitable for a wider range of climates and environments.


Autoflower cannabis strains have opened up new possibilities in cannabis cultivation. Their ease of growth, shorter cycles, and resilience make them a valuable option for a wide range of growers, from hobbyists to commercial cultivators.